The Art of Dating
Payment Page
Thank you for registering. Please choose your desired payment plan.
If you have any questions please contact 301-541-3225 or email achievingjoynow@gmail.com
Pay for Achieving Joy's S.O.R Group in 6 installments
Total number of payments 6
Start payments at checkout
Due Amount
At checkout $105.00 USD
Every 1 month (x 5) $105.00 USD
Total $620.00 USD
*Paypal calculates payments from the date of checkout.
Refund Policy: Refund request must be made prior to the first day of class. No refunds are available after the first session.
Missed Classes: If you or your partner is unable to make it to class, information from each class will be available online. It is encouraged to complete assignments prior to the next class session.
Please note: This class is for couples in committed relationships. A part of this class is committing to working together in improving the relationship over the course of 3 months. During this time affairs or abusive behaviors will be asked to cease as it is counter productive to building healthy loving relationships.